Thursday, October 26, 2006

DAY TWELVE [point five]: Demoing/Rehearsing

As you may already know, we have a new member in the band, PJ. We've been doing alot of practicing lately, working on the live set-list and boning-up on our 3-part harmonies.
As well as practing, we've been doing a little prep work for the record. Last night, while waiting for Ed & Steve to arrive at the studio, I was fooling around on guitar, trying out some new ideas. Eureka! I figured something out. I came up with the arrangement and the basic chord progression and then waited around for Steve. When he arrive we quickly set-up to record the guitar part, followed by a quick "once-over" on the drums. Sounds great! Ed came by and layed down some sweet tones on his guitar using his brand new digital delay pedal.

If we can manage, I'd love to work on this song and include it on the record. It's pretty damn sweet... and the way I look at it, our fans deserve some new tunes.

Okay, I'm outta here - this weekend we're rehearsing with PJ...


P.S: We've posted a new song on Myspace.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

DAY TWELVE: Bass in your face.

Goodafternoon, this is Steve & Andrew reporting,

Tonight was day twelve and we recorded more bass. I [Steve] thought today was "rockin'". I [Andrew] also thought it was "rockin'".

We basically wanted to say hi to everyone and tell them the recording is going well and we topped off four songs on bass tonight.

Steve, is there anything you like to write the folks at home?

Yes Andrew, I have decided that on the album I would like Bodan to play bass in "The Mediator"

Wow, really? Sweet - you never told me. I'm going to kick your ass, Slut!

Sweet - you never told me.

What? You're retarded.

Enjoy this picture of Steve being retarded..... ha ha ha ha.


steve & andrew


Sunday, October 15, 2006

New Drummer...

G'Day, Y'All,
Just came back from an incredible weekend of try-outs and rehearsing and video-gaming and drinking a few beers.

P. J. Herrick is our new drummer. I like him. He came down Friday night from Ottawa and arrived at 4am the next morning. We woke and had pancakes then proceeded to "try him out". Let's just say I knew he was in band when I popped a blood vessil in my finger trying to keep-up with him while playing bass.
Today was sweet too. We woke up from sleeping at Ed's bachelor pad, bought Powerade and then came to the studio for day two of rehearsing. Friggin even better than yesterday. I was totally satisfied by the way everything played out this weekend and with Peej.

So ya, that's rad. Enjoy these new band picks - WOOO!!!



Wednesday, October 04, 2006

DAY ELEVEN: Bass-aramalamadingdong

After all having long and stressful days, we journeyed over to Andrew's place with pizza in hand, to begin the bass recording process. Everything in the studio was already set up for recording from Saturday's prep work, so we pretty much got down and dirty with the music as soon as we arrived. Today we worked on "That Striped Dress" and "Leila" and aside from minor recording details and edits, we have them both pretty much done. I sat in the studio with my lovely Fender Jazz bass while Ed in the other room, worked hard at the computer recording all the pretty notes I made. Andrew sat back with his gorgeous Sting Ray in hand as he worked on fine tuning the bass lines for the songs. We also worked on "Like Stars" and "What Love Is", and although we didn't record them, we started preparing them for the next time we are in the studio. Due to work schedules and family gatherings on the Thanksgiving weekend, we won't be back in the studio to record until Tuesday, where we hope to devote over ten hours to working on bass.

This record is becoming more and more exciting as it goes on. That's not to say that it isn't difficult, becuase there is no use in hiding that it is. However, the result will be well worth the challange.

Thanks for listening.

Peace & Love.
