Friday, May 23, 2008

MAY UPDATE ya ya ya ya !

Ello Friends,

So, Ed and I have been working tirelessly trying to complete vocals for this puppy (the puppy being the album). We've seriuosly blazzed through most of it - last night we finished "It's Hard" and tonight we'll be finishing "What Love Is".

It's been really crazy lately - A part of me was really nervous before we started vocs. I honestly was putting it off as long as I could. Now that most of it's done and things sound rad, I don't know what I was afraid of. Silly me, tricks are for kids, and clown and Mr Kite.

So ya, progress: Once vocals are finished (two more songs - "What Love Is" & "That Striped Dress") we need to track a hand-full of instrumental parts that we either forgot or aren't happy with - This should take us to about two weeks from now. At that time (since we love doing things ourselves and we don't have a huge budget) we'll be mixing the album at our studio. When I say we, I mean "WE". All four of us will be mixing - tossing around different opinions, trying to make it sound as good as possible. The whole mixing process should only take a weekend plus one day or two. (why didn't I just say 4 days?)

So, once a band mixes an album where does it go? Answer: It goes to get mastered. What is "mastering"? Answer: Mastering is when you take a CD and bring it up to the volume and EQ standards of every other album out there. Right now our record sounds AWESOME but it's really quiet compared to most of the stuff in your CD collection.

We still need to get designs confirmed but the liner notes are all written and things are really really really taking shape and sounding grrreat!!

This weekend we'll be taking it easy - Dan's putting on "Funday Sunday" in Uxbridge this Sunday from 3pm - 12am. We'll be there rockin' out!! If you want to come, check out Dan's promo page...

Until next time - peace out friends,

- andrew
b i g s t e r e o

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Quick lil update

Today was the most incredible day of recording...

We tracked all of the vocals for Pale Green and it is absolutely amazing.. it nearly brought me to tears hearing it over at the end of the night... simply incredible...

That brings us to 8 songs with finished SOLID vocals. Just 4 more to go.. with this pace we'll be done those by next weekend.

It's looking by the end of May we'll be finished this hog, we're pretty wicked-pumped about it.

Cya soon friends,

Big Stereo

Found a pic of Andrew, Bo and I's old band at the Dungeon in Oshawa - which is apparently closing down at the end of this month.. kinda sad.. hope all the young bands in the area can find other venues to play at, the Dungeon was always good for giving new bands a chance... incredibly filthy joint but pretty fun for rockin' out

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

New Drummer!!!

Hello Fans & Friends,
It is with great pleasure that we present Bodan Mulholland on drums!

Over the past few months we’ve been searching for a new drummer - in the meantime, Bo has been filling-in on drums to prepare us for a few upcoming shows (TBA). After much consideration, we’ve decided that it would be the wisest decision to adopt Bo into the band.

Bodan, formerly of Crush Luther, has been our friend for years and years and years. He actually used to play in a band with Andrew and Ed many years ago called "Yesterday’s Gone". We have alot of chemistry together - many of our rehearsals start off with hour-long jam session where we all feed off each others grooves and energy, and Bo really fits into this well.

We’re all very happy and things are moving along smoothly. Much more progress on the album has been made and the band is sounding better than ever!

Look out for upcoming shows. We’ll be posting shortly.

Thanks guys,
b i g s t e r e o