Monday, May 28, 2007

Friggin hard at work...

Hi Friends,

It's sure nice seeing you again.. what's it been, like 5 months? I like that shirt you're wearing, looks real smart.

So we are going pretty hard into this recording... the problem was we kept getting shows and would have to keep putting the recording on hold to prepare for em... but now we've said "NO MORE!" and we're going to concentrate on this album until it is finished... well besides playing Canada Day with Crush Luther in PJ/Luther's hometown - Arnprior... BUT THAT'S IT! FRIG!

So anyways, we're back at it pretty hard, Peej is only a few tracks away from finishing all of the drums, I hear Steve is all done his bass, Andrew and I have been going back and forward doing our guitars and are probably half way there.. so we're getting there friends! Check back here and our myspace in the next week or two for some images/vids from the recording sessions, should be wicket.

Alright that's all the business talk over with, let's go get some ice cream.

-Big Stereo-


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