Sunday, September 17, 2006

DAY TWO/THREE: Tracking Drums

Wow! For anyone who has ever recorded drums before you can feel my pain right now. I am so tired from playing drums over and over and over and over and over again. IT SOUNDS GREAT....I'm just damn tired.

So we've recorded about seven songs worth of drums out of sixteen. Our good buddy Luther Mallory from Crush Luther came by today to help with some production and everything is running very smoothly. We changed "What Now" a little bit so I'm excited for everyone to hear that. We also have some really cool demos of "Pale Green" going that we are very excited about.
Last week I demoed our new song "The Mediator" and everyone in the band is loving it. When we start tracking bass I think I'm going to ask our good friend Bodan Mulholland to play bass on that tune. I can't wait until the record comes out so all of you can enjoy the new tune.
All and all everything is sounding and coming along fabulously! Drums are definately going to take longer than expected but that's okay - as long as we don't rush anything I'm happy. Here are some new pics for all to ogle at...

(until next time) PEACE OUT BIATCHES




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